Welcome to Heritage Church!

We are an assembly of believers in Jesus Christ who meet together to worship God in Spirit and in Truth, and to hear the Bible preached and taught as God’s inerrant Word to mankind, being sufficient for all things as the final authority pertaining to life and doctrine. We believe that God is one God who eternally exists as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We believe that we are saved by grace through faith in Christ’s finished work on the cross. His blood was shed on our behalf as a substitute sacrifice for our sins.

We believe that the Holy Spirit was sent to indwell and fill His people to empower them to live and fulfill the work of the body of Christ, His church in the world. We seek to live lives worthy of His calling, waiting on His imminent, visible, bodily return for His church.

We believe, through the support of missions and personal evangelism, that we are to obey Christ’s command to “Preach the Gospel to every creature, teaching them to obey all the words He has commanded.”